ADU Contractors in California are Helping Homes with Additional Space

 Truly, it is their experience and resources that is helping small abodes get that extra space from within their properties, with relative ease. Considering the need for additional living space for large sized families, such type of specialized home construction finds new buyers and takers in the state of California. This is because a lot of existing homes that are around 20-30 years old are now feeling the space crunch. It is aggravated by a lot of factors, such as addition of new family members, and installation of new furniture & fittings. And, there are a good number of home remodelers in San Lorenzo in the San Francisco Bay Area that have all the expertise in transforming a tiny home into a spacious ‘villa-like’ abode. Or for that matter, to provide a duplex bungalow type of look, from its exteriors. The bottom line of everything, is extra space. It doesn’t matter, from where it is carved out. It can be from a decommissioned garage or an idle basement parking. Whatever be the case, functional space is the only criteria.

Granny Flats are the Only Solution for Space Scarcity

Other than buying a completely new property, constructing an ADU or a Granny Flat is the alternative feasible solution for space crunched homes. In the state of California, a large number of average sized residential properties are thinking for a ‘home addition’ activity. It can be either, by converting an attic into a beautiful dwelling area, or simply by building a new unit in the courtyard. And, there are reputable ADU remodelers in San Lorenzo, CA, that can easily help abodes with incredible space management ideas. How to wisely carve out a functional living area from within the house. Or, how to transform a secluded parking space into a spacious study, with all the furniture & accessories. Today, homeowners can think of constructing an ADU in the size of 450-1050 sq. ft. with little or no restrictions at all. Previously, this was not the case. After the new guidelines in-place in January 2020, ADU construction services in San Lorenzo, CA, has picked up considerably. And why not, when the California state authorities are offering such huge relaxation in building norms, sky’s the limit.

If your growing family is seriously facing a shortage of space at home, it is best advised to opt for an extensive home renovation via an ADU construction work. Try making it an attached unit, else a detached room would also serve your purpose. Some homeowners prefer constructing an accessory dwelling unit, above the existing floor. In this way, they are able to keep the courtyard space or the basement parking area intact or untouched. Only the highly professional ADU contractors in San Lorenzo, CA, are able to execute such extensive and complex home remodeling tasks. With their skilled workforce and technology, a complete home addition activity seems a cakewalk. So, why not go ahead and construct a Junior ADU in the size of 500 sq. ft., or a regular ADU in the size of 800 sq. ft., and give your home that space transformation it aspired for long. A ‘one-time’ investment that is going to reap rich dividends for your growing family in the long run.

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